The Hidden Dangers of Improper Well Abandonment

As a homeowner or business owner, you may not think about well abandonment until it’s time to remove an old well or drill a new one. However, proper well abandonment is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and integrity of your property and surrounding environment. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the dangers of improper well abandonment and how Accurate Drilling Solutions can help you get the job done right.


When a well is no longer in use, it must be properly abandoned to prevent contamination of groundwater. This is especially important in areas with high water tables, where contaminants can easily spread to neighboring properties and public water sources. Improper abandonment can also lead to the collapse of the well, creating a safety hazard on your property.

Methods of Well Abandonment

At Accurate Drilling Solutions, we understand the importance of proper well abandonment. We use only the latest equipment and techniques to ensure that the well is sealed properly and all debris is removed from the site. Our team is trained to identify potential hazards and take the necessary precautions to protect your property and the environment.

One common method of well abandonment is grouting, which involves injecting grout into the well to seal it off. However, there are different types of grout and not all of them are suitable for every type of well. We carefully select the appropriate grout based on the geology of your site and the type of well being abandoned. Accurate Drilling Solutions also takes into account any potential risks, such as nearby water sources or property boundaries.


Another important aspect of well abandonment is removing all equipment and debris from the site. This not only ensures that the well is completely sealed off, but also prevents any tripping hazards or potential injuries. Accurate Drilling Solutions takes care of the entire process, from removing the pump and piping to filling the borehole with appropriate materials. You can trust that we’ll leave your property clean and safe.

Financial Strains

In addition to the safety benefits of proper well abandonment, it also helps protect your property value. A properly abandoned well can prevent future problems and environmental hazards, which can affect your ability to sell or lease the property. It’s also important to note that improperly abandoned wells can lead to legal and financial liabilities.

Mind the Dangers of Improper Well Abandonment

At Accurate Drilling Solutions, we take pride in our work and ensure that every well abandonment is done right. We’re committed to providing our customers with high-quality service and peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about our well abandonment services and how we can help protect your property.