Fracking and Your Residential Well: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Water Supply

Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a drilling technique that utilizes high-pressure water, sand, and chemicals to unlock natural gas and oil trapped in deep rock formations beneath the earth’s surface. While fracking has created some positive economic and energy benefits, it has also raised concerns about its impact on the environment and human health. In particular, homeowners near fracking sites have raised concerns about the potential impact on their residential wells.

Here’s what you need to know about how fracking can impact your residential well and what you can do to protect your water supply.

Fracking and Groundwater Contamination

Studies have shown that one of the potential hazards is the risk of groundwater contamination. When fracking fluids and chemicals are injected into the ground, they can potentially leak out of the well and into nearby underground water sources, including residential wells. This can lead to contamination of the water with chemicals and other pollutants, making it unsafe to drink or use.

While instances of actual contamination are rare, there have been documented cases of contamination in areas close to fracking activity. In some instances, residents have reported changes in the color, smell, and taste of their water, as well as physical symptoms like rashes and respiratory problems.

Protecting Your Well from Fracking Contamination

If you live near a fracking site or anticipate one being developed in your area, there are several steps you can take to protect your residential well from potential contamination:

  • Get your water tested regularly. By testing your water before and after any activity occurs, you can track any changes in water quality and detect any potential contamination early on.
  • Install a filtration system. A water filtration system can help remove pollutants and chemicals from your water, making it safe for drinking and other everyday uses.
  • Consider a new well location. If you’re considering drilling a new residential well, make sure to choose a location that’s far from any nearby fracking activity.

Conclusion for Contamination Issues

At Accurate Drilling Solutions, we understand how important it is to have safe, clean water for your home and family. That’s why we offer a range of residential well drilling and maintenance services to ensure that your well is protected from any potential threats, including those associated with fracking. Our team of experienced professionals can help you choose the best well location, test your water for contaminants, and install a reliable water filtration system to keep your water supply clean and safe.

Don’t let oil put your family’s health at risk. Contact Accurate Drilling Solutions today to learn more about our residential well drilling and maintenance services and how we can help protect your water supply from contamination.